Nicholson Street Public School

Learning, Laughter, Life

Telephone02 9810 2863

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the P&C?

To bring something up at the P&C, to vote or to have a say in a matter you do have to be a member, which means that you need to pay a $2 yearly joining fee.

Once you have paid this fee and attended one meeting you will have become a voting member.

How can I be involved?

  • Become a Class Parent. At the beginning of the year a new Class Parent is needed for each class. This role is easily accomplished by email and does suit working parents well.
  • Help out with various P&C fundraising initiatives throughout the year. This may include trivia nights, Mothers' and Fathers' Day events, Fresh Food lunches held at school, etc.
  • Attend the monthly P&C meetings, held every second Tuesday of the month in term time at 7pm in the school library. Everyone is most welcome!
  • Help out in the uniform shop on Friday afternoons from about 2:30pm onwards.
  • Join in the fun however you can!

How do I tackle any issues I may have?

Schools are busy places of work and sometimes it can be tricky to know who the best person to talk with is when you need some guidance. To assist in helping you receive prompt and accurate advice, the following is a guide as to who your first point of contact might be.

  1. Questions regarding your child’s progress – Classroom Teacher
  2. Behaviour issues in the classroom – Classroom Teacher
  3. Behaviour issues in the playground – Classroom Teacher & Assistant Principal
  4. Whole School Organisation and Operations – Principal
  5. Curriculum – Assistant Principal & Principal
  6. General enquiries (School payments, charges and general information) – School Office Staff
  7. Uniform Shop – Uniform shop coordinator
  8. Actions of a staff or community member – Principal
  9. Child Protection or misconduct issues – Principal

If you are unsure of who the appropriate person to contact is regarding your enquiry please do not hesitate to contact the school directly on 02 9810 2863 or via email and your request will be forwarded to the appropriate person.