Nicholson Street Public School

Learning, Laughter, Life

Telephone02 9810 2863


ICT in Teaching & Learning

Our dedicated teachers work hard to provide students with meaningful ways to use technology in their learning.

To support teaching and learning, the school has resourced classrooms with 2-4 Mac computers per class, with the older students having access to more. We also have a trolley of laptops that can be moved to classrooms easily.  Each class has an Interactive Whiteboard which is used to complement teaching and learning in the classroom. We have a number of student ipads to complement the learning in the classrooms.

ICT to collaborate and communicate


All Nicho teachers and students use the Seesaw app in the classroom. Seesaw is the best classroom platform for meaningful student engagement. Seesaw creates a powerful learning loop between students, teachers, and families.

* Students show learning: Students use built-in multimodal tools to capture what they know in Seesaw’s digital portfolio.

Teachers gain insights: Teachers see all stages of student thinking and progress — enabling them to teach better.

Families connect: Families gain a window into their student’s learning and engage in home-to-school connections.

Through use of the Seesaw app the students have built relationships, learnt ICT skills and deepened their knowledge of learning content.

NSW Department of Education (DoE) Portal

The students all have a DoE email address and portal page. They can communicate with other students and they can easily search information through the portal.

Students use their devices to research, record, create and collaborate.

Nicholson Street Public School's online presence 

At Nicho we believe that people communicate in different ways. Families can access learning that is taking place in the classroom through various online tools including: our channel on Vimeo, our Twitter page, our School Website, our Facebook Page and the Seesaw platform.

Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety is imperative due to students continual use of technology in and out of the classroom. We have organised incursions by professionals including an ex-police officer who used to work in child protection Brett Lee and we have run workshops for students, staff and families by Cyber Smart and ThinkUKnow. In the classrooms the students are regularly involved in discussions about being safe online and are consistently learning through games and videos about Cyber Safety and Digital Citizenship.

Students play the game 'R U a Cyber Detective?' This tests their knowledge of staying safe online.

ICT in the classrooms

Teachers use technology in a range of ways depending on the needs of their classes. We were all involved in the Nicho Flicko Film Festival a few years ago which was a showcase of films created by students. Students are usually collaborating to research, discover or create using technology.

Students present to the class using technology.        

Students research and share their findings online.

Here are a few work samples: