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Nicholson Street Public School

Nicholson Street Public School

Learning, Laughter, Life

Telephone02 9810 2863

Balmain East School Care

Before and After school care is provided on site by the Balmain East After School Care (BESC) centre.  The Centre is a community run, not-for-profit venture which is owned by its users and managed by a committee of parent volunteers.  BESC provides care for children daily from 3.15pm to 6pm. 

If you wish to have your child attend the centre, you must become a member of the Centre and book a place for your child in advance.  Bookings are available on a Regular or a Casual basis.  The service is very popular  and early booking is recommended. 

Bookings must be made directly with the Centre, they cannot be made through the School office.

The centre also offers a full program of Vacation Care activities for children during school holidays.  This service is used by children from schools across the Balmain peninsula.  The school holiday program is  distributed about a month before the holidays start. 

Please contact the Centre Coordinator on 02 9810 3161 or refer to the BESC website for more information on either of the above services.